Sponsorship Levels

  • Premier (> $15,000) Recognition afforded Diamond level plus – “Sponsored by” status in all advertising for the hub plus Company name or logo on event T-Shirts, etc.
  • Diamond ($10,000 – $14,999) Recognition afforded Platinum level plus: Company name or logo on event T-Shirts, etc.
  • Platinum ($5,000 – $9,999) Recognition afforded Gold level plus (Company-provided) banner hung in arena
  • Gold ($2,500 – $4,999) Level recognition in game day program and on website, Company-provided ad in game day program, Appreciation certificate
  • Silver ($1,000 – $2,499) Level recognition in game day program and on website Company-provided ad in game day program
  • Bronze ($500 – $999) Level recognition in game day program and on website

Want to Donate?

Colorado Gives
The Colorado Gives link will take you to Rocky Mountain BEST, our fiscal sponsor, for you to donate money. Please specify in the "special instructions" section that the donation is for Pikes Peak BEST.